Memories Are The Treasures That We Keep Locked Deep Within The Storehouse Of Our Souls, To Keep Our Hearts Warm When We Are Lonely.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


On my life journey, I have found many wonderful experiences but as well hard lessons from which my lack of understanding and learning from them, lead me further from my Creator.

I have always heard, “Love yourself so you can love others”, “Let go of the past” “forgive yourself first, then others”, “Be patience, don’t push it”, “Alike attracts, so do good for good to come to you” etc. however the hardest one, was learning to deal with anger. I have to let go of anger to discover how to open more doors into my spirituality.

My sense of justice became an injustice towards me, and how I let it almost destroyed my soul with anger. Comparing myself to others, sometimes I get justice or the thought of what justice should be like and ran into a conquest to make things right. However, I learn in the hard way that what could be the sense of justice for me, is not likely justice for others. Obviously, in an imperfect world it is hard to be perfect and even harder to make others see perfection thru my eyes. What room spirituality has in a negative mind full of thoughts of anger? The answer is NONE.

I let the hours; days; weeks pass thru, and although I tried the task to fill my time with activities in order to forget events and prevent myself to revive the words spoken but the words “forgive and forget” became impossible. In my negative mind, doubt came alone not only question my life but question my spirituality as well. The solution and message was right on my face but anger blind me so good, I could not see it or rationalize with it. It came to my mind, that when we die it’s obvious we do not take memories with us. We take the emotions that certain memories caused us in our paths alone with the emotions we caused to others, as a task of what we came to learn in this lifetime.

Warmest Regards,

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