To my family, our paths will be separated one day since the bond that kept the family together will be crossed over, journeying onwards in the karmic cycle of life, hopefully towards realizing Nirvana. Meanwhile, when all the trials and tribulations in life proved to be too heavy, may He carry us.
Now as I myself draw nearer my journey’s end, I realize that pain & suffering in life is the wellspring from which come forth fortitude,self-control, and patience. Long-suffering & Patience is the fruit born of all the tribulations life has to offer.
Holiness is not prayer, or attending church or going to temples, etc.
Holiness is self-emptying, the acceptance of the good and the bad that life has to offer; a constant dying to self. That itself is the foundation of our faith. The simple acceptance of what life has to offer, taking each day as it comes.
My parents, my wife, my children and my sisters may not be perfect, but it is there in that particular garden of life, God has planted me – with the command, "bloom where you are planted’.
I firmly believe, I would not be what I am today, if the conditions had been different. I am responsible for my own life and for the direction it takes.
Who among us has not sinned? Who among us is perfect?
Once upon a time, my parents were young too.They suffered trying to put food on the table, providing for 4 children. It was not the easiest of task, and I admire them for the courage they showed in the face of adversity.
Life sometimes doles out huge crosses and we may even fall under its weight. It is in not giving up, and finding something to smile about, to be happy about that I admire most in them . It is the example they have given me, and a very good example if I might say so "To err is human, to forgive is Divine".
Warmest Regards,

well, as u say noone is perfect..that's life, if too perfect..life would be dull, right...after 29 yrs slogging for the Bank, i think its time that i do things that would really make me feel human again...trying to get the job satisfaction which I now lack cos i am not perfect n cant do all jobs as good as I can do when I was of a younger n more healthy age...
We may even fall under its weight.
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